Monday, February 7, 2011

Continuing with my Thousand Gifts

    I started writing the blessings I see each day, the gifts the Lord allows me to see, down in my journal this time and so this first list after a hiatus might be longer than most. I'm excited to get back to seeing the joy in each day/moment. Thank you, Lord for all the gifts you have given and continue to bestow. Those I see and those I miss. Please help the eyes of my heart to see more and to experience more of you!

136. sunshine on snow

137. birds at the feeder-- making marks in the nearby snow, fluttering about excitedly

138. electric staying on through the storm! Praise the Lord!!!

139. a little girl easily entertained by a bag of "new to her" shoes :) Who knew a two year old could find joy so easily? :)

140. a warm home-- respite

141. imperfectly made new curtains from fabric remnants 18" square

 142. the chance to make those curtains and learn in the process

143. reading and laughing over Three Little Pigs with my girl

144. New books deliverd by the postman at the door??!! through the snow

145. small steps in gaining more self-control as part of the fruit of the Spirit (less angry outbursts, less times of emotional eating) praise to you, Lord!

146. clothes to fold and put away (means my family is well provided for)

147. carpet to sweep means carpet to bring warmth to our home

148. butterscotch oatmeal goodies

149. a polite "more pwease," Who can resist giving her one more cookie bite :)

150. that my two year old girls is still willing to take her afternoon nap! Praise the Lord!!

151. quietness during naptime

152. joy in the quiet

153. hope

154. remembering that hope does not disappoint...

155. gentle morning kisses from my love on his way to the day

156. estranged uncle-neighbor coming to rescue and teach in a gentle way-- seeing him walk down the snowy road to our drive brough such sadness and joy at the same time. Sad for the loss, many years ago now, of the relationship; joy in the provision for this day in helping us get a car out of the snow/mud! We could not have gotten the car out without his help. So thankful God brought him and he was able to come.

157. eggs sizzling in the skillet- sound and smell wafting in

158. oatmeal falling out of canister to bowl in preperation

159. white snow lying with hope that all things will be new someday

160. furnance kicking on to keep the house warm; glad we have not run out of propane

161. hope flickering ever so softly that all might be as it should be some day.

162. bare tree branches and light reflecting through curved glass

163. the hum of the refrigerator

164. the quiet snores of a small one sleeping

165. the feel of the recently vacuumed carpet on my check

166. the breathing in and out and knowing I am learning and I can grow to be the woman the Lord plans for me to be- this slowing thing is new for me; I am grateful and hopeful; and humbled

167. friends to share a meal and converstaion with; especially grateful for several reasons... Friendship has been hard to find in recent years and this week has been especially long when stuck indoor due to snow!! :D

168. a good samaritan to rescue us from the snowy ditch

169. a comfty bed in which to rest after a long, tiring day

170. toddler-baby wearing striped pajamas and pink tennis shoes pulling musical xylophone down the hallway :) Such a glorious sight! :)

171. squeak of old chair as small one climbs up to see and be near her daddy

172. hours spent slowing and savoring the beautiful chaos of family life

173. quiet bubbling of fish tank in early morning

174. gentle new dusting of snow lying on cedar limbs making the world white and beautiful once more

175. toddler-baby asking to come "up" on my lap

176. seeing her lovingly care for her doll babies

177. toddler-girl singing into oatmeal canister; happy joyful sounds! :)

178. corny jokes from my husband

179. cold back porch floor tile on bare feet

180. snuggling under the covers in the last hazy darkness of nighttime before the day begins

181. sewing maching to help create

182. the chance to change the needle-- yet again-- in the process of the project. learning patience and persistance. enjoying the journey, learning not to race to the destination...

183. joy in taking something "tossed aside" and making something new and useful...

184. Thankfulness that God did just that with my life-- took what was tossed aside and is making me new!!