185. Toddler-girl sitting by my side as I read, "reading" her own books :)
186. music from small keyboard- a two-year old musician creating!
187. not getting stuck in the snow! We didn't make it to our destination, but at least we didn't get stuck and were able to return back home.
188. learning to do pushups correctly--even if getting it takes time, trial, error and humbleness...
189. downsizing of all sorts-- thankful I am learning to "let go" of things that are not worth the space to store, pack and move them!!
190. my Valentine- thankful for the chance we have to continue to grow and learn to love one another.
191. caring for my daughter and trying to learn as I go to honestly show my love for Jesus in action in front of her.
192. melting snow and signs of warmth and new life coming soon
193. toddler-girl going right to sleep at naptime
194. reading good books (such as http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Story-Patricia-Pingry/dp/0824955129, and http://www.amazon.com/One-Thousand-Gifts-Fully-Right/dp/0310321913, and http://www.amazon.com/Charlotte-Mason-Companion-Personal-Reflections/dp/1889209023)
195. tea time!- pretend tea tastes so good!!
196. chance to watch a complex movie with my husband. It had been a long time since we had watched something challenging together like that
197. time spent getting to know new friends-- sharing the story of how we met our husbands-- so thankful God wrote my love story with my sweet Valentine!!